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About The AllieWay

My name is Allison Corno

Hello and welcome to my Blog! The AllieWay is the creation of a safe community where we work together to navigate the ebbs and flows of life. It is my hope to initiate inspiration for your self-love journey, reclaiming your power, and navigating any challenges along the way! I’d love to reach women all around the world who are sparked by the desire to overcome their challenges, insecurities, and doubts about who they are and what they’re worth. It is a judgment free zone, with complete acceptance. One of my favorite mottos is simply, “they’re your dreams for a reason.”


You never know where embracing your creativity and love for yourself will take you, but we can find out by exploring these topics:

  • Self-Love

  • Psychology 

  • Health and Wellness

  • Spirituality 

Allison Corno
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Get to Know Me

​ I started this journey in 2020. At the time, I wasn’t even aware I was on it.

A self-love journey is a never-ending endeavor, since we are constantly growing as people. We are constantly faced with challenges and roadblocks, and before I developed a relationship with myself, I would let those challenges crumble me. Through a lot of studying and trial and error, I was able to transform from a deeply insecure girl who made herself smaller so others could shine, to someone who is confident in who she is and is actively going after her dreams. As challenging as it was, I couldn’t have asked for a more rewarding experience. The greatest lesson I learned was that if you truly have yourself, you can never fall. I set out to make myself my own best friend, my rock, someone I could trust. After spending my adolescent years in toxic relati0nships and unfulfilling friendships I decided to take a deep dive into my inner world. I began observing my actions and repeating patterns, I took accountability for my mistakes, and I made sure to feel all the feelings (especially the ones I didn't particularly want to feel.) I found forgiveness for others who have mistreated me and forgiveness in myself for allowing it. I slowly took back my power month by month, and even though sometimes it felt as if I was falling apart, I always came back 10x stronger and wiser. The only thing this journey is missing is a community to share it with, which is why I am driven to share this with all of you in hopes that we can form a relationship around supporting and uplifting women and girls so we can take our power back. 

  • I am spiritual, but not religious. My beliefs and values are unique to me.

  • I have a very eclectic style, I like all sorts of things.

  • I find healing through music and writing.

  • I am a lifelong student of the things that spark my interest.

  • I am an INFP!  Also, a Leo sun, Aquarius moon, and Scorpio rising.


I’m so glad you’ve taken the time to get to know me! If what I said here resonates then sign up for our email list and newsletter. We would love to have you as a part of The AllieWay community.  Feel free to contact me if you’re interested in collaboration or working together. I'd love to hear from  you! :)

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